Fashion @ 台灣設計師賈雯蘭 紐約發光
勇闖紐約時尚圈的台灣設計師賈雯蘭,繼2003年成為紐約時尚周第一位華裔設計師後,在11日登場的紐約時尚周2006年春季發表會上,又帶著她自創的「Twinkle by wenlan」品牌走上伸展台,繼續大展色彩繽紛的「甜美無敵」風格。
美國各大報章和Vogue、Elle等時尚雜誌常出現賈雯蘭的作品,目前Twinkle在紐約、東京都設有專櫃,全球據點超過100個,已經下檔的電視影集「慾望城市」裡,代表時尚的女主角凱莉就曾穿過她設計的二、三套服裝,這可能是只靠三萬美元 (約台幣98萬元)創業的賈雯蘭,當初所始料未及的事。
Twinkle目前尚未引進台灣,不過這位台灣姑娘設計的樣衣大部分都委託台灣紡織廠承製,她也希望有朝一日Twinkle 也能在台灣銷售,讓她「衣錦還鄉」。
The Fashion World Celebrates the Changing of Seasons In New YorkIt's a confusing time of year to be a young woman in New York. It's still quite warm out, yet the stores are all full of fall clothes and the fashion world is a buzz about spring. So as we drank our mojitos, and took in fall ad campaigns, the fashion world descended upon Manhattan to display the latest spring fashions. It's all so confusing !In the fashion world, fall is actually about spring. A few weeks ago, the tents were up and the lights shone for the semi-annual Mercedes Benz Fashion Show. From Sept. 12-19 many designers from large design houses (Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, Badgely Mischka, Betsey Johnson, Narcisco Rodriguez) to the independents (Twinkle, Rebecca Taylor, Tuleh, Alice Roi, Peter Som) came to show their spring creations.As the celebs lined the catwalks, models paraded the latest spring trends. I was fortunate to view the latest Twinkle by Wenlan collection.
The themes for Twinkle's spring collection were:mini mini mini skirtsvibrant colorsblack & white are important again!sexy pretty dressesskinny pantsHer line is all about being sophisticated yet feminine and girly at the same time. The highlight of her collection for me was a beautiful striped silk fabric (seen above) Wenlan chose to create sexy dresses and skirts.Wenlan offered up the best flirty skirts!Flower pins, as seen in the picture above, and ribbons ties are the accessories for spring.
By: Sony plaza http://www.sonyplaza.com/ny/trend01.html
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