
Venus Natural Crystal Chair by Tokujin Yoshioka@Design

Venus Natural Crystal Chair will be presented at the “Second Nature“, an exhibition where Tokujin Yoshioka is giving an artistic and curatorial direction.
4 sets of 2.5-meter-wide water tanks will be prepared. Inside the glass tank, a block of fibre structure is soaked deep in water so that you can see the process of the structure growing, as if a living creature. In addition, there will be various works exhibited that stimulate people’s emotions such as Tokujin’s new installation, “Water block”(a bench presented at Design Miami 2007), and works by 7 creators from all over the world. All the works on exhibit will be based on the theme ‘second nature’, meaning they are not inspired by nature or aiming to imitate it, but instead they create new natural forms.

@VIA : 21_21 Design Sight through January 18th, 2009

